Tuesday 24 August 2010


So today has been a lazy day, I'm writing this while on my itouch and watching two and a half men because I'm too lazy to go on the laptop :)

Tomorrow I go back to college after my week off and I really cba but I get to see the girls so it's all good!

Today I've been watching videos by The Midnight Beast I think I'm getting obsessed :S they're so good though!

Well I'm going to carry on watching two and a half men :D

Sunday 22 August 2010

Im Back!

Well i'm back from Bournemouth and it's nice weather which is strange because when I was leaving it was raining and now Britain has decided to have nice weather "/.
At the minute i'm annoyed and confused at someone, They say one thing and then do the complete opposite which really bugs me-I get annoyed easily!
I have a new obsession which is The Midnight Beast they're amazing my favourite is Stefan ♥ even though we have nearly the same hair haha which reminds me that my roots are actually disgraceful, that is the downside of dying your hair.
Well i'm off to wash up (y) such an exciting life byeeeee x

stefan :)

Wednesday 18 August 2010


So this is my first ever blog! I have no idea what to write but i thought i'd try something other than facebook and twitter.
Im currently writing this in my hotel room in Bournemouth,Im sharing it with my 15 year old sister Hannah. Ive just come back from swimming in the pool and we had 2 F16 jets fly over ready for the air festival which starts tomorrow, we've already seen the air festival last year but this year there's a whole faire on the beach and stalls all the way down the front. This is our second day in Bournemouth and the weathers been alright on Sunday and Monday we were in Portmouth and it was mega hot! Dad and Hannah went up the Spinnaker Tower and i sat on a bench overlooking the harbour.
I dont know what we're doing for the rest of the week but I hope the weather stays nice coz I wanna go on a speedboat :D
